If you’re reading this, you already know the importance of your boxwood
Boxwood is a familiar shrub in many parts of the United States and Europe, and its prominence in the garden is steeped in history, legends, lore and magic.
Homeowners and gardeners know of boxwood’s reputation, but most would find it difficult to describe appropriate care or to correctly diagnose its maladies. Many people are unsure what, if any, care to give this highly-prized shrub, and they are often perplexed by a boxwood with weak, sparse growth or by a branch suddenly dying. Even professionals search for accurate and detailed information to make sound horticultural decisions.
Aristocratic boxwood is a beautiful, low-maintenance, very slow-growing shrub, which can easily thrive for two or three centuries. It only asks for a little understanding to let this happen.
As a horticultural boxwood consultant, I can teach you what it takes to have healthy, beautiful boxwood. I can provide evaluations and step-by-step explanations as to why your boxwood may be less than a majestic shrub. There is typically more than one remedy, you will receive comprehensive treatment plans to best suit you and your boxwood.
I have consulted with homeowners, estate-owners, professional gardeners, landscape architects, landscape maintenance contractors, and nursery professionals. I’ll introduce you to the exciting and rewarding world of boxwood that goes far beyond, “Your boxwood will improve with our special spray.” We’ll work together to create easy, often low-technical solutions that most boxwood owners can do themselves.
Without guidance, appropriate boxwood care can be confusing. Why not make sure you do it right, and have beautiful healthy boxwood?

My services

Most Americans have an image of boxwood in their wallet. Boxwood is prominently featured on the back of the $5 at the Lincoln Memorial and the back of the $20 at the White House. I’ve performed on-site boxwood consultations at both locations.